Congrats to Kel (yellow dress) and Engineer Amy (blue dress) winners of this giveaway! Please contact me to claim your prize. Thanks so much to everyone who participated, please check back for future giveaways.

Celebrating one of my favorite times of year, it's finally starting to feel like spring here in Chicago, it was a long winter but now the trees are blooming and tulips and daffodils are showing up all over the city! Soon it will be time to wear pretty summer dresses here.... and so I am starting a giveaway* for these 2 lovely smocked dresses, 1 size fits most (S, M, L) perfect for wearing over a bathing suit or cami on your way to the poolside or oceanside.

I am giving away 2 dresses, 1 per winner
You can also tweet @designsdresses or Facebook your color choice, to be entered.
This is a random drawing, winners will be announced on Monday May 9th.
(Sorry private profiles or anonymous comments will not be included in the drawing)
Hi Amanda-
I love the blue!
My favorite is the blue -- love your dress :)
Definitely yellow! What a cute piece!
Love them both, but love the yellow most!
Love them both, but LOVE the yellow!
I *heart* that yellow dress, matches today's sunshine in the city!
Goegeous! Loving the yellow.
Both are gorgeous! Love the blue one!
LOVE the yellow :)
Yellow! So spring-y!
A blue one would make my day! Thanks Amanda.
Oh man, which to choose, I love them both! The blue is soo pretty the yellow is so bright!!!. . . hmmm okay, yellow, no blue, no yellow!!
i love the yellow! super cute!
The blue dress is beautiful! It's making me excited for summer!
I just adore the Lemon-Yellow Dress! I could totally see someone wearing this dress by a pool deck somewhere sipping a sweet tea, with there sunglasses on!!! Both colors are amazing, but as you can see the yellow is totally speaking to me!!
I just adore the Lemon-Yellow Dress!! I could totally see someone wearing this dress poolside sipping a sweet tea with their sunglasses on!! Both colors are amazing, but the yellow is speaking to me!! Love it!
Although the yellow is lovely, I am partial to the blue as well
Yellow! So pretty
I love the blue! I would wear it to my trip to Hawaii coming up!
Blue, such a spring shade! <3
Blue! (sorry if this posts twice!)
Buttercups or dewdrops? I'm in the mood for something blue...
Buttercups or dewdrops? I'm in the mood for something blue...
Yellow! :)
I love the blue :) Thanks for the giveaway!
Nancy Fairbank
nafairbank (at) gmail (dot) com
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